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Shangri-La Retreat

Holistic healing streams and trauma-informed process support

Shangri-La is a metaphor for a secluded place of silence, peace, inner order, sustainability and reflection.
According to various traditions, it is also considered the spiritual center of the earth, which becomes accessible again as humanity becomes more conscious.
With clarity and presence, we open up a space of experience for your “true self” where the scent and taste of Shangri-La can unfold freely.
Holistic healing streams and trauma-informed work based on the principles of NARM™ form our framework.
We accompany people through profound processes of change, permeated by lightness, combined with specialist knowledge, our own experience and the deep wisdom that resides in all of us - connected to the eternal stream of life.
We invite you to this experience space as part of a group of max. 10 people.
You will spend a week with us in a fabulously beautiful villa on the north coast of Sardinia, near Porto Rafael.
The path to Shangri-La, back to the omnipresent inner silence and liveliness, is not always easy to access in the busy pace of everyday life. For a variety of reasons, we have become distant from the natural flow of life and have increasingly forgotten about our “true selves”.
It is time for many people to realize that this alienation is no longer necessary today. By appreciating the experiences you have lived through, you can now encounter your “true self” again. The detachment and the step "back to you" requires loving attention, space and time, which is given in this retreat.
Of course, you are also welcome to the retreat if life is already very easy for you and you would like to affirm and celebrate this fullness within you with us. The room will also be geared towards this.
We will meet online as a group in advance of the retreat to discuss your individual situation together. We are aware that even this step can be a hurdle for you. You will be carefully accompanied by us in everything from the very beginning. Even after the retreat, we are available for further integration during 3 online meetings.


Estherina De Stefano

I am a mother of two teenage children and work as a psychologist, parent coach and NARM™ practitioner.
There is a space that can be perceived beyond one's own body in one's entire consciousness and thereby expands into the infinity of one's own being.
This space is not always freely accessible.
Out of a deep intelligence, we managed to protect this inherent opening to space where it was vital. It is important to me to accompany people at their very individual thresholds, where their own access to ease is still protected for previously good reasons. It touches me to be able to witness how, in such processes, the present is increasingly freed from its limiting veil into the omnipresent abundance of possibilities and how I can accompany people with my presence.


Ramon Pachernegg

I am the father of a daughter and work as a spiritual coach, seminar leader, healing streamer and filmmaker.
Based on my own experiences and a deep love for “divine consciousness”, I understand how to convey spiritual content in its clarity, beauty and simplicity and how to apply it in a realistic way. This loving and clear focus on your “true self” enables me to accompany you mindfully and effectively on your path to transformation, healing and development. My offer combines authentic spirituality, finding meaning and deep self-knowledge with the reality of your everyday life. In this way, you will increasingly be able to look at your life as a whole and live in harmony with yourself and your surroundings. From now on, your life will increasingly be shaped by the power of inner peace and your true presence.

In this Retreat you Will get

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